Monday, February 4, 2013

Book Review #1 new semester

The book "BEC" by Darren Shan is about a medievil girl called Bec who has to go on a mission to close a tunnel between earth and the Demonata world. She meets a little boy called Bran,(who becomes Bernabus in later life,) and closes the tunnel but she gets trapped in a cave and is slaughtered by lord loss's minions. Darren Shan's Bec of the Demonata series is one of the most devastating books in the world and will scare the pee right out of you. This book is based in 400 A.D and 500 A.D. back towards the medievil times when people didn't really know what christians were and why people believed in this so called "Christ". Back then people did magic and were able to cast spells: Healing spells, Destruction spells, and all kinds of abilitys of Dark/Black magic. In this time you can go out and work all day and morning, but when it comes to night time you better be ready to fight a huge pack of Fomorii. One of my most favorite characters in my book is a little boy named Bran. This little kid is so awesome, because he don't really have a thought process so he does a lot of random things like screams out random words he learns about by listening to other people talk, and he has magical powers that he don't really know how to use. The little boy is like a total amazing kid with an awesome ability, but he can't really even use it. I absolutely love the style of writing the author uses in this book, he is so describtive and vivid when he writes its great. The author is a very funny guy, what he writes just makes me almost bust out laughing, but he writes in a sad way to, but its incredible. I don't think that the author's voice is really all the way evil, but he is very twisted and his imagination is very crazy and messed up just a little bit. This is a incredible book and I think whoever reads this is the greatest person ever and if you haven't read this you most difenantly should try it out, it will blow your mind..

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