Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Video Games

When games where officailly made was in the 1950's. The first game over made was a tic-tac-toe game, that was a computer game was made in 1952 by a A.S. Douglas who wrote is PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-Computer interraction. The game was programmed on a EDSAC vaccuum-tube computer, which had a cathode ray tube display. William Higinbotham created the first video game ever in 1958. His game, was called "Tennis for Two," and was created and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope. Another game that was made in 1962, which was made by Steve Russell who made a game called Spacewar. Spacewar was the first game intended for computer use. Now that I got you caught up on the amazing world of gaming, I can now tell you about my life with gaming and how I got introduced to the world of gaming. The way I got introduced to the world of gaming is through my bestfriend. He had showed me and let me play tons of amazing games and I just enjoyed it ever since then. Well first my friend got me started on gamecube games. Its a system that sort of looks like a big cube and it plays cool, hard games. You use a small controller with these buttons: A, B, Y, X, Right and Left trigger, Rb and Lb trigger, and an analog stick to control the movement of your character on most of the games you can play. On gamecube they have alot of kid games but they also have beast shooter games and killing games. Then my friend got me started on tougher games on a game system called the xbox 360. On the xbox 360 the games get a lot harder to play and they challege you more. Also the graphics are freaking amazing and keeps you coming for more. The reason I love xbox 360 is because you can get this app. type program to play online with people your age and older and play games with them if they have the same game. You also have this little avatar guy who you can customize and make him/her look how you want them to. Its so cool, the costumes are amazing and so cool. I would just like to say that games are my freaking life, and they just make my life better. If I could i would marry games for the rest of my life.

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